Per House Bill 148, the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission shall:

On August 4, 2015, Governor Markell signed SB122 and HB148, which established the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission.
- Serve as a State advisory committee to the Governor and General Assembly for the administration of planning, recommending, and implementing changes to improve the quality and availability of education for children in Pre-K through grade 12 in the City of Wilmington and advise the State on improvements for all schools within the State with high concentrations of children living in poverty or English language learners or both.
- Work with and across all governmental agencies, educational entities, and private and nonprofit institutions to promote and support the implementation of all recommended changes from the Wilmington Education Advisory Committee (WEAC).
- Monitor the progress of implementation and recommend policies and actions to the Governor and General Assembly to facilitate progress and to promote the continuous improvement of public education on dimensions addressed by the WEAC recommendations.
- Develop a transition plan, including a timeline, for the provision of necessary services to schools and students affected by the implementation of the changes recommended by WEAC.
- Develop a resource plan regarding transitional resources to effectively implement school district realignment.