Legislation and Mandates

Senate Bill 148 and House Bill 222 were the original legislation that created the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission (WEIC). The WEIC legislation was amended and updated to sunset WEIC and create the Redding Consortium for Educational Equity.
Click the bills below to view the details. The legislation was amended to specifically and explicitly focus on educational equity.
- Senate Bill 148: SB 148 establishes the charges of the Redding Consortium.
- House Bill 222: HB 222 defines the specific requirements for a redistricting proposal.
- House Bill 436: HB 436 passed in June 2022 and amended the dates the State Board of Education may review and act upon a Redding Consortium governance recommendation. HB 229 makes this bill no longer relevant.
- House Bill 229: HB 229 passed in June 2023 and removes the required window for submission of a final plan from the Redding Consortium to the State Board of Education.
Charges of the Consortium
Per Senate Bill 148, listed below are the main charges of the Redding Consortium. These charges mainly focus on supporting students, educators, schools and the community to move towards achieving educational equity.
The Consortium shall:
- Monitor the educational progress and outcomes of students in the City of Wilmington as well as all low-income, English learners and other students at risk across northern New Castle County. It shall develop and publish data reports on the conditions impacting the educational outcomes of these students and also track the progress of these students
- Recommend policies and actions to the Governor and General Assembly that support the continuous improvement of public education in the City of Wilmington and northern New Castle County.
- Spotlight best practices from across the state and nation for increasing educational equity, improving educational outcomes, and strengthening school and community services.
- Facilitate collaboration on implementation of best practices among school districts and charter schools and may implement pilot projects It shall also facilitate the consistent engagement of impacted communities to strengthen and inform its work
- Evaluate the need for additional or alternative educational facilities in the City of Wilmington including secondary schools
- Develop policy proposals to be introduced through legislation to improve teaching and learning in both district and charter schools in the City of Wilmington and northern New Castle County
- Develop a proposal for redistricting in the City of Wilmington and northern New Castle County that will include provisions stipulated in concurrent legislation formulated specifically for that purpose with designated responsibilities and timelines for action at all levels
- Research the viability of the New Castle County Tax District/Pool